Tuesday, November 29, 2005

DAY 26 - Sit on me when i'm dead

I decided our daily stroll destination should be the cemetery.

so, my brother and I walked the dead people place.

It was a nice walk and an odd cemetery.


My brother asked the ole 'so what do you want to have happen to you when you die' question.

I told him i didn't care. Sure, donate whatever to whoever. bury me, burn me, stuff me and display me. It doesn't matter to me. It's for everyone else but me.

He said he wanted to be buried, but didn't want his tombstone to be in the shape of a bench because he didn't want anyone to sit on him.

I do.

I want everyone to sit on me when i'm dead.

Maybe an old lady can rest on me during a visit to see a long lost love, look down and thank me.

So bury me and sit on me.

Or burn me and throw me in the forrest.

You decide.

Post in the comment section what should be done with my body.

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