Thursday, November 17, 2005

DAY 13 - steakette

I drove to my brother's place and we walked to the Frisco Shop.

It's a diner type place that's been around since 1952 or 1953, depending on which t-shirt you buy. It's an old ass place with old ass people.

Mysh had a grilled chicken caesar salad, I order the steakette. It came with fries and half a peach.

Our waitress' hair was the 9th wonder. Her wall of bangs mesmorized me and taunted me.

After making fun of her explosion of hair, I felt sorry for her. She had do one in her life to tell her she looked ridiculous.

We talked about our witty sayings
and our blogs.

After we left the 1950s time machine, we walked back to Mysh's place.

that's it. Nothin much. Gotta sling hash browns.

-krilov out

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