Friday, November 04, 2005

"Damn Birds!"

My brother and I, after taking a cue from a post from the fantastic blog of Steve Pavlina, decided to take a stroll-a-day for 30 days.

We're gonna:

-wear shorts
-walk for at least 20 mins
-chat and sculpt tofu into marcus aurelius

The most difficult thing is meeting everyday and wearing shorts.


I drove to my brother's place, aftering getting lost.

Along the way I saw a girl with an eye mask on walking with a white cane. The blind imposter almost cost me an insurance claim. It's very distracting when people spend the day walking aroud to find out what it's like to be blind.

Girls are silly.

We walked to CVS to buy an envelope.
The doors open and old people poured out of the store.

Asking what kind of car they were giving away, the clerk laughed and relplied:
"flu shots"

Damn birds.

-krilov out

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