Saturday, October 27, 2007

On Pre-Production. Sort of.

Making a movie is an amazing thing. You should try it.

I'll share something.

Sometimes in the beginning you can get so lost in the scramble you don't stop to look up. Balls deep in emails, text messages, and trying to make the pieces fit.

I'm taking classes at coldtowne theater and one of their phrases is "improv is life". Wait. Maybe it's "improv is everything". Hold. See, now I think it's something else. Either way you should check out coldtowne.

What was I saying? Movies, ok. The point was that "movies are life" and "everything is everything". Perhaps if I would have payed more attention in class and "applied myself" instead of making people laugh, I would have the ability to articulate my thoughts on this matter. I know, I 'll use a movie quote:

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Here's what I'm saying:

Take a step back.

Remember to breathe.

Enjoy the things that matter.

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