Thursday, November 17, 2005

DAY 11 - Voodoo

After slinging queso, we walked from Mojos to the Metro and back. Along the way I told my Scientology story:

One day walking along the drag, I spotted a familiar scam.

a scam that looks like this:

They call it a "free stress test".

I call it a free excuse to tell you there's something wrong with you so we can invite you in and brainwash you. I guess 'stress test' is shorter.

So they had their lil table set up outside the 'church', or bookstore, or whatever.

As I walked by the venus fly trap, the alien spoke.

"Would like a free stress test" he said.

"VooDoo!" I screamed, waving my hands in the air. then continuing on.

"ok" he replied, As if he got that all the time.

I guess I was pissed that he didn't react.

end of story.

end of stroll.

-krilov out.

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